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Sugery Highland Veterinary Hospital Mount Vernon


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

We are proud to extend surgical services to our patients. Our skilled veterinarians and technicians are proficient in a variety of surgical procedures, allowing your pet to obtain the best care. Prior to scheduling surgery, we will discuss all treatment options available to you and your friend, both medical and surgical. Our goal is to allow you to fully understand the benefits and potential risks of surgery, so we as a team, can make informed decisions about your family member.  To ensure there are no preexisting conditions that could negatively affect pet health when anesthesia is used, we will complete a full physical examination and lab work.  Once we are comfortable anesthesia and the surgical procedure are as safe as possible we will move forward with scheduling surgery.


Some surgeries require a specialist and we are fortunate enough to have a board certified surgeon, Dr. Mark Davis.  Dr. Davis performs surgery at the clinic on a monthly basis. He performs most advanced surgeries which include orthopedic surgeries (TPLO's, bone fracture repairs and others) along with a variety of complicated soft tissue and neurologic surgeries. Having a board certified surgeon do these surgeries decreases complication rates and you are insured that the surgeon has had advanced training in all the surgeries they do. 


Surgery for your furry friend is similar to when you or your other family members have surgery. We have advanced monitoring equipment which includes monitoring blood pressure, carbon dioxide and oxygen levels, EKG, heart rate, and respiratory rate. We are committed to ensure the surgical event is as safe as possible.


We believe pain management, before, during and after surgery, are a critical aspect of recovery. We make an added effort to provide your pet with superior comfort. We believe that pain management is critical to your pets well being so we will send home necessary medications to help them be comfortable. Along with this, we offer laser therapy, which can help expedite recovery times by encouraging healing and help relieve pain and inflammation. 



Business Hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday - Friday

Closed Saturday and Sunday



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Our Address

120 N 17th St Mount Vernon, WA 98273



Phone: 360-424-4455

Our Hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday - Friday

Closed Saturday and Sunday


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